Why you don't need Pleasure Coaching BUT you miiiight want it | Episode 3

Lauren Schaeffer | Pleasure Coach ✨ Season 1 Episode 3

I know, you didn’t see this coming. Why would I put an episode out about why you don’t NEED Pleasure Coaching? Because the truth is, you don’t. If you think you NEED something, you’re coming from a place of lack. And, honestly,  you’re already whole and not lacking any one thing. 🤍 Is there room for improvement in your life? Maybe. Energy you could stop leaking? Likely. Beliefs that you are operating under that may not be true? Probably. 

In this episode, I share how you’ll be better served by any type of coaching when you are drawn to it and choosing it from a place of expansion and growth. 💫

You can find me at @laurenlikesitlikethat on Instagram - drop me any questions there! ✨